Academic success for all.
At Scholium, we offer a wide range of services which are flexible and adaptable to your needs, whether you need to talk through your ideas with someone, or need to put the finishing touches to your project with a sense-check. We can produce exemplar sample essays, proofread your English, help you format referencing and citations and more. We also offer confidential and informal advice about academic life and procedure, what you can expect if you’re just starting and what are the best practices to adopt in order to achieve your goals.
Get the help you need to succeed.
Professional proofreading
Our proofreading service will check and correct your English, implement academic tone and conventions and elevate your writing. Fully comprehensive grammar, referencing and formatting corrections and improvement, using internationally-recognised academic English.
Full sense-check, spelling and grammar correction, academic English correction, professional editing.
Services begin from 5p a word.
We produce an exhaustive plan for your project, including delineating topic areas, how many words you should spend on each point, themes and objectives explained, we fully research and propose secondary texts, referencing, bibliography and further reading.
A fully written and referenced exemplar essay of high quality with bibliography and referencing.
From 15p a word, price negotiable.
exemplar answers
££ Negiotiable depending upon project
A full exemplar essay-writing service. We produce a high-quality sample essay (70%+) on which to base your own work.
Full essay plan including topic areas, ways to expand and a full research proposal including sources and references.
Price negotiable depending on project.